Today’s MOM’s food for thought:
“What the Lord provides, we must always share with others”
Regular Flag Raising Ceremony hosted by DILG Pulilan, COA Pulilan and Municipal Legal Office.
•Pulilan Municipal Police Station awarded the Certificate of Commendations to the following officers for being IDOL (Ideal Deeds of a Law Enforcer) of the Month:
– PSMS Carmencita Lazaro
– PCMS Edison Yabut
•Resolution of Recognition and Appreciation is presented to the following:
– Hon. Maria Rosario Ochoa-Montejo for being awarded as Outstanding Local Chief Executive of the Philippines in the field of Social Welfare and Development
– Bounty Food Corporation for being an Environment-friendly industry
•PhilHealth awarded the ceremonial cheque amounting to 1.4 million pesos to the Municipality of Pulilan as payment for the Konsulta program of registered beneficiaries within the area
June 3, 2024 – Pulilan Municipal Grounds